Goodbye Crying, Hello Happy Feeding.

100% Recommended for Easier Feeding & Proven to Reduce Latching Frustration by 83%

We’ve redesigned the bottle to naturally match your breast’s shape and feel, making feeding safer and transitions between breast and bottle easier. Less crying, less spit-up—because a happy tummy means a happy baby.

The Bottle Made to Feel & Flow Like Breast.

  • Prevent Colic

  • Reduces Spit Up & Gas

  • Supports A Natural Latch

  • Personalized To Mom & Baby

  • Gentle Delivery Of Milk 

  • Seamless Breast & Bottle Transitions

  • Supports Oral And Gut Microbiome Development 

Say goodbye to trial and error bottle shopping.

Say hello to your personalized LatchMatch™.

Our LatchMatch™ quiz helps you find the ideal nipple shape and flow rate based on your unique breast anatomy and your baby’s feeding needs—promoting a secure latch and reducing feeding challenges for a smoother bonding experience.

The Natural Nipple’s team of clinicians and scientists spent five years analyzing 3D breast scans and researching milk flows to create our predictive nipple sizing technology.

Giving The Next Generation a Healthier Start in Life

Our team is here to guide you to your best solution.  

Revolutionizing Infant Feeding

Nurturing Around the Globe

Every child deserves the healthiest start in life.

The Natural Nipple has partnered with Operation Smile to provide natural feeding solutions to support oral development and raise awareness. Together we can help their cause to provide surgery and comprehensive care for thousands of children each year

be heard

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