Potty Training 101: A Guide to Potty Training Success
Potty training is a significant milestone marking a newfound freedom for parents and newly gained independence for little ones. As a potty training consultant & mother of two, Allison Jandu understands the challenges that come with potty training and the lack of science-backed resources available. Determined to find a solution that could help other parents, she delve into the world of child development and behavior to create a science-based approach. Understanding that every journey is different, it is important to find methods that work for your family. Here is our quick start guide to potty training success with tips and resources shared to help ease the transition from diapers!
When Do I Start Potty Training?
Knowing when to start potty training is crucial for success. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, assessing your child's readiness is the first step. Look for signs of interest in the toilet and their ability to communicate their needs. Research suggests around the age of 2 (18 to 30 months) is generally a good time to start, but remember that every child develops differently.
How to know if your Child is Ready to Start Potty Training
- Your child may show an interest in learning how to use the toilet.
- Your child can pull down their diaper, underwear, or training pants by themselves.
- Your child can get on and off the potty independently.
- Your child can keep their diaper dry for at least two hours.
- Your child can understand and verbalize words for using the potty
Introducing the Potty
To prepare your child for the transition from diapers, early exposure is key! You don’t want the first time your child is exposed to a toilet to be the first day of potty training. Children tend to do better with transition or change when they have some advance notice of it. As soon as they can sit up on their own, buy a potty chair and have them sit in it, explore, and ask questions! Early exposure helps so the process of potty training isn't a scary change for when the time comes to learn how to use the bathroom independently!
Make It Fun
There is no doubt potty training is a learning curve for both children and parents, but making it fun can actually improve success in ditching diapers. The more fun and playful you can make things, the easier it is for kids to want to learn and in turn may make potty training your little one easier for you! You can incorporate books, fun videos, and songs along with interactive experiences to turn learning into a positive experience. Kids are sponges and learn from observing what you do! Try introducing options to motivate your little one to use the potty by inviting them into the bathroom when you are going, letting them help you flush, and asking them if they want a turn to sit on the potty. Including them in your bathroom process helps them learn while positively reinforcing the idea of using the toilet when they need to go!
Consistency is Key
Children thrive on routine, structure, and predictability so consistency is vital. When starting your potty training journey, consider ditching diapers altogether. While easier said than done, a consistent routine helps children know what to expect and reduces confusion. If you diaper at night and nap time, this can cause confusion on where they should use the restroom and even cause them to hold it until a diaper is offered again. Instead, give your child signals of encouragement, celebrating every success to build their confidence!
Embrace the Learning Process
Understand that potty training is a learning process, and it's normal for progress to be non-linear. Some days might go exceptionally well, while others may present challenges. Avoid putting undue pressure on your child and yourself. Instead, focus on celebrating the wins and supporting them through any setbacks.
What if my Child won’t use the Potty?
If your child shows resistance to using the potty, avoid pushing too hard. Step back and start with small steps, like reading a book about potty training together. Offer choices that empower them to have some control over the process. Try not to set strict deadlines and allow them to progress at their own pace.
Giving your child options can look like this:
- Would you like to use the upstairs or downstairs potty?
- Would you like to go potty in 2 or 5 minutes?
- What would you like to do after we try and use the potty?
Remember to give Yourself Grace
Potty training can be challenging, but mindset is everything and it is important to stay patient and remember diapers are your kids’ comfort zone, they are learning a new world, and making the transition can be scary. Give yourself grace as you navigate through this journey while not comparing your child’s progress to others! For a personalized approach or more resources surrounding potty training success visit Potty Training Consultant, where Allison works 1:1 and provides the best resources to get the support you need, teach your child how to use the potty, and enjoy your child's growth & development!