
Writing a story on The Natural Nipple for breastfeeding benefits and need to get us on the record? We’d love to talk to you. Please contact our media relations team and we'll get back to you right away.

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Writing a story on The Natural Nipple for breastfeeding benefits and need to get us on the record? We’d love to talk to you. Please contact our media relations team and we'll get back to you right away.

For press inquiries:

For podcasts, conferences and speaking engagements:


Executive Bio

For the last 10 years, Lauren Wright has been passionate about optimizing wellness by integrating preventative primary health care and research. While studying the gut microbiome as a Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida, she discovered that babies that weren't getting mother's milk were suffering fatal complications. Her research identified how prolonging breastfeeding and skin to skin contact enables breastmilk to continually act in establishing immunity, enabling protective neurological development and genetic optimization through microbiome establishment, thus preventing the long-term detrimental effects of gut bacterial dysbiosis.

She became fascinated by breast milk as the most preventative, dynamic, biological substance to give babies the healthiest start in life and invented The Natural Nipple, a patented infant feeding solution designed to solve a primary barrier to breastfeeding so caregivers can introduce a bottle without consequential latching problems or fatal complications from un-natural flow rate- reducing hospitals’ length of stay cost while improving health outcomes for future generations.

In the three years, she went from graduating as a Nurse Practitioner with Magna Cum Laude honors while simultaneously juggling a full time, dual-degree Ph.D. in psychoneuroimmunology, working clinically on a Nationally funded research study, patenting a U.S. government agency-backed infant feeding innovation from her research, and turned the idea into a company that scaled to a team of seven- gaining significant traction after the intellectual property was evaluated & preferred by health insurance companies + Fortune 500 international industry giants. To date, she has raised over $250k in grant and angel funding and is currently raising for their pre-seed round.

Executive Bio

For the last 10 years, Lauren Wright has been passionate about optimizing wellness by integrating preventative primary health care and research. While studying the gut microbiome as a Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida, she discovered that babies that weren't getting mother's milk were suffering fatal complications. Her research identified how prolonging breastfeeding and skin to skin contact enables breastmilk to continually act in establishing immunity, enabling protective neurological development and genetic optimization through microbiome establishment, thus preventing the long-term detrimental effects of gut bacterial dysbiosis.

She became fascinated by breast milk as the most preventative, dynamic, biological substance to give babies the healthiest start in life and invented The Natural Nipple, a patented infant feeding solution designed to solve a primary barrier to breastfeeding so caregivers can introduce a bottle without consequential latching problems or fatal complications from un-natural flow rate- reducing hospitals’ length of stay cost while improving health outcomes for future generations.

In the three years, she went from graduating as a Nurse Practitioner with Magna Cum Laude honors while simultaneously juggling a full time, dual-degree Ph.D. in psychoneuroimmunology, working clinically on a Nationally funded research study, patenting a U.S. government agency-backed infant feeding innovation from her research, and turned the idea into a company that scaled to a team of seven- gaining significant traction after the intellectual property was evaluated & preferred by health insurance companies + Fortune 500 international industry giants. To date, she has raised over $250k in grant and angel funding and is currently raising for their pre-seed round.

Photography Assets

Photography Assets