Our story from study to practice

Making feeding easier for all parents.

The Natural Nipple, by Nurture


Our Story

We started The Natural Nipple from a place of clinical curiosity and uncovered parents and providers needing a natural solution to achieve seamless transitions between breast and bottle feeding. So we re-invented the baby bottle using biology and technology.

We're a dedicated team of clinicians, scientists and mamas pioneering advancements to empower breastfeeding, promote bonding and optimize wellness worldwide.

Leadership Team

Lauren Wright, Founder & CEO

For the last 10 years, Lauren has been passionate about optimizing wellness by integrating preventative primary health care and research. As a nurse practitioner studying the gut microbiome of preterm infants in her PhD program, she discovered that babies who weren't being given breast milk were suffering fatal complications. She wanted to find a solution that would give all babies the ability to have breast milk, and support prolonged breastfeeding. By designing a bottle that offers seamless continuity between breast and nourishing with pumped milk, The Natural Nipple hopes to empower parents with nature's first life vaccine (breastmilk), promote bonding, and improve the health of families around the world.

Leadership Team

Katelyn Tiamson, Head of Business Relations

Katelyn holds a Bachelor of Allied Health in Medical Sciences with a minor in Business. Driven by a passion for improving healthcare, she joined The Natural Nipple team, where her experience collaborating with key clinical partners reshaped her career aspirations. Committed to bringing innovative breastfeeding solutions to market and enhancing long-term health outcomes for families, Katelyn has played a pivotal role in building the brand from the ground up.

Leadership Team

Katia Ramos Lourenço, Head of Clinical Education

With a qualification in both Speech Therapy and Audiology, Katia found her niche in infant feeding very early on in her career. She subsequently completed both the South African Certified Lactation Consultant (SACLC) and the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) courses with distinction to pursue her passion - breastfeeding. Katia has gained vast experience during her years of lactation consulting, from rural hospitals in South Africa to top private care in Portugal. Her professional background bolsters her gentle approach and ability to treat mother and baby as a whole. She has dedicated her entire professional career to protecting and promoting breastfeeding and helping families achieve their feeding goals. 

Our History

Founder and CEO, Lauren Wright, is passionate about optimizing wellness in the global underserved community by integrating preventative primary health care and research. She became fascinated by breastmilk as the most preventative, dynamic, biological substance to give babies the healthiest start in life. Her research identified how prolonging breastfeeding and skin to skin contact enables breastmilk to continually act in establishing immunity, enabling protective neurological development and genetic optimization through microbiome establishment, thus preventing the long-term detrimental effects of gut bacterial dysbiosis.

After interviewing hundreds of mothers and discovering their primary barrier to breastfeeding was nipple confusion, she invented the solution: The Natural Nipple and won the "Most Promising Healthcare Innovation of 2018" by GuideWell. Since then, The Natural Nipple has grown to become a company with a strong team of clinicians, scientists and real moms. Our breastfeeding knowledge and experience will help you succeed, wherever you are on your breastfeeding journey.
