5 Things Every Mom Should Know Before Birth 💭
Join us this week with Leah Wrisley, a mother & co-host of the momversation podcast. We will discuss the unknowing truths of motherhood & five things every mom should know before giving birth!
Stay tuned for our feature on The Momversation Podcast coming March 6th!
1. Community & Must Haves
An astounding 96% of parents feel as if they didn't have support from their community or healthcare providers, so what can we do to stay connected & informed?
- Find Apps to stay connected- the SocialMama App helps connect other moms to other moms & healthcare providers (to find out more read our blog Fostering Human Connection Through Playful Disruption 💡)
- It's okay to ask for help - Our team of clinicians are now providing families with tele-health, lactation support & immune-biome testing.
- Use resources like nipple shields- help hold the nipple in the extended position, allowing your baby to pause & breathe without having to reposition afterwards
2. Help with the 4th Trimester
During pregnancy there are three trimesters & the first three months of an infant's life is considered the 4th trimester!
Help from a postpartum doula can make a difference in adjusting to life at home with an infant!
Services provided can include:
- Cooking meals for new moms - provide nutritional support & recovery from birth!
- Help with breastfeeding - provide knowledge on the best foods to increase milk supply & ease latching frustration!
- Physical & emotional support!
3. Your Journey is Unique
There is no “right” way to be a mother. We all have a different journeys, know there are a lot of different ways to be a mother & experience being a mother!
4. Get in Touch with Your Needs & Communicate Them
- It can be hard to ask for help, keep an open mind when approaching conversations!
- Follow your intuition!
- Shed self perceived roles!
5. Empowered State of Mind
Expect the best, but know that not everything will go as planned.
- Find mantras!
- Our favorite: "I can do this & my body is my friend!"